Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Chapter 2 Exam †Scarcity and the World of Trade Essay

CHAPTER 2 Exam – Scarcity and the World of Trade—offs MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1)As a student of economics, when you speak of scarcity, you are referring to A)the ability of society to employ all of its resources. B) the ability of society to consume all that it produces. C)the inability of society to satisfy all human wants because of limited resources. D)the ability of society to continually make technological breakthroughs and increase production. 2)Which of the following statements is FALSE? A)As society increases its wealth, the problem of scarcity disappears. B)The factors of production are used to produce outputs that help society satisfy its wants. C)Even though a society faces the problem of scarcity, it does not necessarily suffer from poverty. D)Land and labor are both factors of production. 3)The problem of economic scarcity applies A)only in industrially developed countries because resources are scarce. B) only in underdeveloped countries because there are no productive resources. C) only in economic systems that are just beginning to develop because specialized resources are scarce. D)to all economic systems, regardless of their level of development. 4)In every economic system, choices must be made because resources A) are unlimited, but human desires and wants are limited. B)are limited, but human desires and wants are unlimited. C)are unlimited, and so are human desires and wants. D)are limited, and so are human desires and wants. 5)The opportunity cost of going to college might best be described as A)the money that must be paid in order to attend college. B)the lowest—valued alternative use of the student’s time. C)the highest—valued alternative use of the student’s time. D)the value that the student attaches to not working. 6)In the production of goods and services, trade—offs exist because A)not all production is efficient. B)society has only a limited amount of productive resources. C)buyers and sellers often must negotiate prices. D)human wants and needs are limited at a particular point in time. 7)Look at the following production possibilities table for drill presses and corn. The table shows the maximum combination of drills and bushels of corn that can be produced when all resources are fully employed. Drill Presses1020304050 Corn (bushels)15014012090500 Based on the above information, A)there is a constant trade—off between corn and drill presses. B)the opportunity cost of producing 30 drill presses instead of 20 drills is 120 bushels of corn. C)the opportunity cost of producing 40 drill presses instead of 30 drills is 30 bushels of corn. D)the production possibilities curve for drill presses and corn will be a straight line. 8)The production possibilities curve represents A)the maximum amount of labor and capital available to society. B)combinations of goods and services among which consumers are indifferent. C)the maximum combination of goods and services that can be produced with fixed resources and technology, given efficient use of the resources. D)the maximum rate of growth of capital and labor in a country. 9)Which of the following would result in a movement along the production possibilities curve? A)a fall in the unemployment rate B)growth in the capital stock C)population growth D)a change in the composition of two goods that a society chooses to produce 10)One of the assumptions underlying the production possibilities curve is that A) at least one of the factors of production is a free good. B)the quantity of the resources available for the production of economic goods is fixed over a given time period. C)there is at least one factor of production that is employed inefficiently. D)some of the factors of production are not being used. 11)Which of the following statements is NOT an assumption underlying the production possibilities curve? A)Resources are fully and efficiently employed. B)Technology is fixed. C)Production occurs over some specified time period. D)The amount of resources available for production can be changed quickly. 12)If a production possibilities curve for books and magazines is straight, then A)the opportunity cost of increasing book production remains constant regardless of the total quantity produced. B)the opportunity cost of increasing book production continues to decline as total production increases. C)the opportunity cost of increasing book production continues to increase as total production increases. D)the opportunity cost of increasing book production is independent of the shape of the curve. [pic] 13)Inthe figure above, point D A)is less efficient than point C.B) is more efficient than point A. C)is less efficient than point B.D) is more efficient than point B. 14)In the figure above, point E could be obtained if A) resources were shifted from education to healthcare. B)resources were used more efficiently. C)there was an increase in society’s resources. D)resources were shifted from healthcare to education. 15)In the figure above, the opportunity cost of moving from point B to point C A) is the loss in production in the healthcare sector. B)is the increase in production in the education sector. C)is zero. D)is the loss in production in the education sector. 16)In the figure above, Point A is undesirable because A)there is an inefficient use of resources. B)too much healthcare is being produced. C)the opportunity costs of health care are too high. D)point E is a more realistic option in this economy. Table 0201A Possibility Good ABCDEFG Television 212018151160 Personal computers0123456 17)When the economy moves from point D to E in Table 0201A, the opportunity cost of the computer in terms of televisions is A)3.B) 4.C) 2.D) 5. 18)According to Table 0201A, the opportunity cost of each additional computer in terms of televisions A)remains constant. B)falls as more computers are produced. C)increases as more computers are produced. D)is meaningless because the cost of computers cannot be expressed in terms of televisions. 19)Given the production possibilities schedule in Table 0201A, a combination of nine televisions and four personal computers A)is attainable but involves an inefficient use of societies resources. B)would be attainable only if a new technology of producing televisions or computers were introduced. C)is not attainable because it is not listed in the schedule. D)is not attainable because society does not have enough resources to produce this combination. 20)Given the production possibilities schedule in Table 0201A, a combination of 23 televisions and 6 personal computers A)is attainable but involves the unemployment of some of societies resources. B) clearly illustrates the trade—off between televisions and computers. C)cannot be produced by society, given its current level of resources and production technology. D)can be produced only if society is willing to have some of its resources used inefficiently. 21)If an economy is operating at a point inside the production possibilities curve, then A)society’s resources are being inefficiently utilized. B)the curve will move to the left. C)society’s resources are being used to produce too many consumer goods. D)economic policy must retard further growth of the economy. 22)A movement along the production possibilities curve would imply that A) the labor force has grown. B)productivity has increased. C)society has chosen a different set of outputs. D)productivity has declined because workers are demanding more leisure. 23)Which of the following would cause an economy to be producing at a point inside its production possibilities curve? A)the efficient allocation of all factors of production B)population growth C)unemployment and an inefficient use of available resources D)capital accumulation 24)A straight line production possibilities curve takes this shape because A) the opportunity cost of producing a good is constant. B)the opportunity cost of producing more of a good is decreasing. C)resources are better suited for producing one output than another. D)resources are fixed. [pic] 25)In the figure above, the combination of computers and televisions shown by point X A) is not attainable at the point in time for which the graph is drawn. B)can be attained only if some of societies resources are unemployed. C)suggests that the law of increasing relative costs does not hold. D)results only because society allocates its resources inefficiently. 26)The combination of personal computers and televisions shown in the figure above by point W A)is an efficient use of society’s resources because it is below the production possibilities curve. B)is more desirable than point X because producing at point W does not put a strain on society’s resources. C)is attainable but involves the inefficient use of some of society’s resources. D)is beyond the capacity of society to produce. 27)Which of the following statements about movement along the production possibilities curve in the figure above is FALSE? A)An additional computer can be produced only if fewer televisions are produced. B)The trade—off between computers and televisions is not constant. C)Society cannot have more of both goods at the same time. D)There are no opportunity costs involved in choosing one point on the curve over all other points. 28)In the figure above, points U, V. Y, and Z show A)an inefficient allocation of societies scarce resources. B)possible combinations of televisions and personal computers. C)a constant trade—off between televisions and personal computers. D)society prefers more televisions than computers. 29)A President of the United States promises to simultaneously produce more defense goods without any decreases in the production of other goods. Under which of the following conditions could such a promise be valid? A)if the U.S. were producing at a point on its production possibilities curve B)if the U.S. were producing inside its production possibilities curve C)if the U.S. were producing to the right of its production possibilities curve D)none of the above; the production possibilities curve must shift to the right 30)If opportunity costs are constant, then A)the production possibilities curve does not exist. B)the production possibilities curve bows outward. C)the production possibilities curve is a straight line. D)factors of production must not be fully employed. 31)The production possibilities curve bows outward because A)opportunity costs are decreasing as the production of a good increases. B)opportunity costs are increasing as the production of a good increases. C)opportunity costs are fixed as the production of a good increases. D)resources are of uniform quality. 32)One type of factor of production is physical capital. All of the following are examples ofphysical capital EXCEPT A)buildings B) machinery C)AM/FM radiosD) a hydroelectric power plant 33)A country that must reduce current consumption to increase future consumption possibilities A)must be allocating resources inefficiently. B)must be producing along the production possibilities curve. C)must be producing outside the production possibilities curve. D)must not have private ownership of property. 34)Which of the following statements about economic scarcity is FALSE? A)Scarcity occurs among the poor and the rich. B)Scarcity only occurs if there are shortages and people waiting in line to buy things. C)Scarcity results from not having enough resources to produce all the things we want. D)Scarcity results in the necessity to make choices. 35)Which of the following statements is FALSE? A)Economic goods are available in desired quantities at a zero price. B)A good is anything that gives satisfaction or happiness to individuals. C)Services are intangible goods such as dry cleaning, hospital care, and restaurant meal preparation. D)Wants are unlimited and include all material and nonmaterial desires. 36)Ineconomic terminology, when a resource is used to produce output it is referred to as A)an intangible.B) a factor of production. C)a service. D) a fifth element. 37)Opportunity cost is defined as A)the value of the next—best alternative that must be sacrificed to attain a want. B)the least—cost means to produce output. C)the value of the output currently received by an individual or a corporation. D)the return from a given unit of labor. 38)One opportunity cost associated with going to college is A) purchasing text books. B)paying tuition. C)giving up employment possibilities while in college. D)paying for room, board, and other living expenses. 39)A production possibilities curve with clothing and food on the axes shows that I. A society can not have an unlimited amount of each good II.For an efficient society, an increase in clothing production will necessitate a decrease in food production III. A society will always produce the maximum amount of both clothing and food A) I onlyB) II onlyC) III onlyD) Both I and II 40)A straight—line production possibilities curve has A)an increasing opportunity cost between the two goods. B)a decreasing opportunity cost between the two goods. C)a constant opportunity cost between the two goods. D)no opportunity cost between the two goods. 41)A point outside a society’s production possibilities curve is one which is A) unattainable given the resources of the society. B)technologically inefficient. C)undesirable given the implied underemployment of resources. D)desirable since it satisfies the desires of the population. 42)A point inside a society’s production possibilities curve represents A)an unattainable combination of outputs. B)an output combination which satisfies the needs of the population. C)an underutilization of productive resources. D)a technically superior output combination. 43)It is correct to state that a society which is on its production possibilities curve is A) underutilizing is resources. B)technologically inefficient. C)consuming too much output. D)fully utilizing its productive resources. 44)Technology is defined as A)the maximum output which can be attained from a stock of physical capital. B)society’s pool of applied knowledge concerning the production of goods and services. C)output beyond the production possibilities boundary. D)the utilization of the most advanced machinery. 45)Efficiency can correctly be defined as A)producing outside the production possibilities boundary. B)minimizing opportunity cost. C)producing the maximum output with given technology and resources. D)providing for the immediate needs of the greatest proportion of the population. 46)The law of increasing opportunity cost implies that A)producing additional units of one good results in proportionately smaller reductions in output of the other good. B)producing additional units of one good results in increasing amounts of lost output of the other good. C)the  production possibilities curve will be a straight line. D)the society will be producing on its production possibilities curve. 47)A bowed production possibilities curve is consistent with A) an unchanged opportunity cost. B)a technologically inefficient society. C)the underutilization of productive resources. D)highly specialized resources. 48)A bowed outward production possibilities curve occurs when A)opportunity costs are constant. B) resources are not scarce. C)additional units of output of one good necessitate increased reductions in the other good. D)the society is operating on the production possibilities curve. 49)Comparative advantage implies choosing that activity which A)has a high opportunity cost. B)is inside the production possibilities frontier. C)has the lowest opportunity cost. D)does not demand any specialization. 50)If individual X has comparative advantage in painting and individual Y has comparative advantage in carpentry, then A)individual X must use fewer hours to paint a fence than individual Y. B)individual Y will specialize in painting. C)there is a lower opportunity cost (expressed in units of carpentry) for individual X to paint than for individual Y to paint. D)specialization will not occur, since each does not have a clear absolute advantage. 51)Which of the following statements about scarcity is TRUE? A)Scarcity is no longer a problem for industrialized countries. B)Scarcity exists in all societies. C)Scarcity is a problem only for greedy people. D)Scarcity is a problem only in countries that do not use markets to organize economic activity. 52)In 1992 hurricanes damaged parts of Florida, Louisiana, and Hawaii, destroying homes, businesses, schools, and infrastructure. In strictly economic terminology, these hurricanes are said to have caused A)scarcity, because the damages made food and shelter scarce. B)scarcity, because some goods were difficult to get. C)shortages, because supplies were cut off and goods were destroyed. D)absolute advantages, because some areas of the country were damaged when others were not. 53)The difference between scarcity and a shortage is A)scarcity is caused by poverty and shortages are caused by natural disasters. B)shortages are a type of scarcity caused by natural disasters while scarcity is caused by human errors. C)scarcity always is a part of human life while shortages usually are temporary. D)shortages are always part of human life while scarcity is usually temporary. 54)Human resources that perform the functions of organizing, managing, and assembling the other factors of production are called A)physical capital.B) venture capital. C)entrepreneurship.D) productive capital. 55)Services can be thought of as A)unvalued goods.B) unwanted goods. C)free goods. D) intangible goods. 56)Scarcity implies that people must A)be miserable.B) be selfish.C) make choices.D) not be selfish. 57)Opportunity cost is A)the intrinsic value of an economic good. B)the total value of all the alternatives forsaken when a choice is made. C)the value of the opportunity selected when a need is satisfied. D)the value of the next highest—ranked alternative that must be sacrificed to obtain a want. 58)Suppose you have four choices–go to a movie, read a book, watch television, or go to a concert. You choose to go to a movie. The opportunity cost of the movie is A)the value of the book not read. B)the value of the television program not watched. C)the value of the concert that you didn’t attend. D)the value of the activity that you would have selected if you hadn’t gone to the movie. 59)Fred and Ann both decide to see the same movie when they are given free tickets to the movie. We know that A)both bear an opportunity cost since they could have done other things instead of see the movie. B)both bear the same opportunity cost since they are doing the same thing. C)the cost of going to the movie is greater for the one who had more choices to do other things. D)neither bear an opportunity cost because the tickets were free. 60)Opportunity costs are A)objective because they can always be put in monetary terms. B)objective because specific things are given up when making a choice. C)subjective because each person decides the value of the foregone alternative. D)subjective because it is impossible to put a monetary value on foregone alternatives. 61)Bill Bonecrusher graduates from college with a choice of playing professional football at $2 million a year or coaching for $50,000 a year. He decides to play football, but eight years later he quits football to make movies for $3 million a year. His opportunity cost at graduation was and eight years later was A)$50,000; $2 millionB) $2 million; $2 million C)$2 million; $3 millionD) $50,000; $50,000 [pic] 62)A farmer has 200 acres of land on which he can grow soybeans or corn. An acre of land yields 200 bushels of soybeans or 100bushels of corn. The figure above refers to the farmer’s A)production possibilities curve.B) substitution options curve. C)trade—offs curve. D) opportunity cost curve, 63)If the farmer is producing 5000 bushels of soybeans at point B in the figure above, we know that A)the farmer is not using his resources efficiently. B)the farmer is using his land to produce a crop other than soybeans or corn. C) the farmer must be using more land than was used in constructing the  production possibilities curve. D)the farmer is using his resources efficiently. 64)In the figure above, how many units of corn are produced at point a? A)2000 B)2500 C)3000 D)We can’t tell without more information 65)A point outside a production possibilities curve indicates A)that resources are not being used efficiently. B)an output combination that society cannot attain given its current level of resources and technology. C)that resources are being used very efficiently. D)that both goods are characterized by increasing costs. [pic] 66)In the figure above, which of the following points indicates the efficient use of resources? A) a B)f C)g D) h 67)The shape of the production possibilities curve in the figure above indicates that A)production of corn is characterized by increasing costs while the production of cloth is characterized by decreasing costs. B)production of both corn and cloth is characterized by increasing costs. C)production of both corn and cloth is characterized by constant costs. D) production of corn is characterized by constant costs and the production of cloth is characterized by increasing costs. 68)Between points b and c in the figure above, the opportunity cost of another bushel ofcorn is A)1 yard of cloth. B) 1.25 yards of cloth. C)1.5 yards of cloth.D) 2.5 yards of cloth. 69)Which of the following would NOT allow society to move to point h in the figure above? A)an improvement in technology B)more efficient use of resources of current resources C)an increase in quantity of labor D)an increase in quantity of capital 70)The law of increasing relative costs is due to A)taxes. B)scarcity. C)the fact that it is more difficult to use resources efficiently the more society produces. D)the fact that resources not are perfectly adaptable for alternative uses. 71)If a country’s production possibilities curve gets more bowed out over time, it is an indication that A)technological change has taken place. B)society is learning to use its resources more efficiently. C)the quantity of labor and capital have increased. D)resources have become more highly specialized. 72)If all resources were perfectly adaptable for alternative uses, the production possibilities curve would A)be bowed out. B) be bowed in. C)be a straight line.D) not exist. 73)Economic growth can be pictured in a production possibilities curve diagram by A)making the production possibilities curve more bowed out. B)making the production possibilities curve less bowed out. C)shifting the production possibilities curve out. D)shifting the production possibilities curve in. 74)The opportunity cost of more capital goods today is A) fewer capital goods in the future. B)fewer consumer goods in the future. C)fewer consumer goods today. D)more unemployed resources in the future. 75)Suppose an acre of land yields 100 bushels of corn and that one bushel of corn provides enough seed for one-quarter of an acre of land. The opportunity cost of consuming another bushel of corn today is A)100 bushels of corn next year.B) 25 bushels of corn next year. C)10 bushels of corn next year. D) 2.5 bushels of corn next year. 76)Whenever a society forgoes current consumption to invest in capital goods, A) the less the society can consume next year. B)the easier it will be for the society to consume less in the future because people will become accustomed to less. C)the more the society can consume in the future. D)the less capital the society can produce in the future. 77)Generally, specialization leads to A)constant opportunity costs. B)greater productivity. C)the production of fewer capital goods. D)greater self—reliance. 78)A person has a comparative advantage in an activity whenever she A) has an absolute advantage in the activity. B)can perform the activity at a lower opportunity cost than can another person. C)can do the activity in less time than anyone else. D)can do everything better than anyone else. 79)Comparative advantage is always a(n)concept. A)absoluteB) efficiencyC) relativeD) monetary 80)If you can make $20,000 a year teaching, $25,000 a year typing, $30,000 a year driving a cab, and $40,000 a year as a chef, you have a comparative advantage in A)teaching. B)driving a cab. C)being a chef. D)one of them but we need more information to know which. 81)Division of labor refers to A)dividing tasks up into several subtasks and having one person perform these subtasks in a certain order. B)the separation of hourly workers from salaried workers. C)assigning different workers to different tasks. D)separating union workers from nonunion workers. 82)Division of labor increases the output of society by A)eliminating scarcity. B)reducing the choices people have to make to a more manageable number. C) ensuring that people are happier in performing their work. D)allowing resources to specialize in the tasks for which they have a comparative advantage. 83)Which of the following are considered factors of production? I.Land II.Labor III.Physical capital IV.Entrepreneurship A)I and II only B) I and III only C)I, II and III onlyD) I, II, III and IV 84)In economic terminology, the accumulated training and education that workers receive that increases their productivity is referred to as A)entrepreneurship.B) human capital. C)labor. D) physical capital. 85)The division of productive activities among persons and regions so that no one individual or area is totally self—sufficient is known as A)advantage-taking.B) comparative value. C)specialization.D) out—sourcing. 86)Assume that Economy A and Economy B have the same resources, but that individuals in Economy A have specialized whereas individuals in Economy B have not. Given this information, you can determine that A)Economy A will have a higher output than Economy B. B)Economy A will have a lower output than Economy B. C)Economy A and Economy B will have identical outputs. D)individuals in Economy A will have lower incomes than individuals in Economy 87)When nations specialize in their areas of comparative advantage and then trade with the rest of the world, the result is that A)the average standard of living in the world will go down. B) the average standard of living in the world will go up. C)the world will move from a point on the production possibilities curve to a point inside the curve. D)worldwide economic efficiency will decrease.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Name: B. sreevidya Rno: 08491D5804 FINDIND & STOPING OF PHISHING ATTACKS THROUGH ONLINE ABSTRACT: Phishing is a new type of network attack where the attacker creates accurate copy of an existing web page to fool users ex submitting personal, financial, or password data to what they think is their service provider’s website. The concept is an anti-phishing algorithm, called the Link Guard, by utilizing the generic characteristics of the hyperlinks in phishing attacks. The link Guard algorithm is the concept for finding the phishing emails sent by the phisher to grasp the information of the end user.Link Guard is based on the careful analysis of the characteristics of phishing hyperlinks. Each end user is implemented with Link Guard algorithm. Existing System: 1) Detect and block the phishing Web sites in time: If we can detect the phishing Web sites in time, we then can block the sites and prevent phishing attacks. But it's difficult to find those phishing sites out in time . There are two methods for phishing site detection. a) The Web master of a legal Web site periodically scans the root DNS for suspicious sites. ) Since the phisher must duplicate the content of the target site, he must use tools to (automatically) download the Web pages from the target site. It is therefore possible to detect this kind of download at the Web server and trace back to the phisher. Drawbacks:-Many phishing attacks simply do not require a DNS name. For phishing download detection, clever phishers may easily write tools 2) Enhance the security of the web sites: The business Websites such as the Web sites of banks can take new methods to guarantee the security of users' personal information.There two method to enhance the security a) Using hardware devices: For example, a hand-held card reader b)Biometrics characteristic: e. g. voice, fingerprint, iris, etc. Drawbacks:-All these techniques need additional hardware and also will increase the cost. Therefore, it still need s time for these techniques to be widely adopted. Block the phishing e-mails by various spam filters: The phishers hide their identities when sending the spoofed e-mails, therefore, if anti-spam systems can determine whether an e-mail is sent by the announced sender the phishing attacks will be decreased dramatically.The techniques that preventing senders from counterfeiting their Send ID (e. g. SIDF of Microsoft) can defeat phishing attacks efficiently. SIDF is a combination of Microsoft's Caller ID for E-mail and the SPF (Sender Policy Framework). Both Caller ID and SPF check e-mail sender's domain name to verify if the e-mail is sent from a server that is authorized to send e-mails of that domain and from that to determine whether that e-mail use spoofed e-mail address. If it's faked, the Internet service provider can then determine that e-mail is a spam e-mail.The spoofed e-mails used by phishers are one type of spam e-mails. the spam filters can also be used to filter those phi shing e-mails. Spam filters are designed for general spam e-mails and may not very suitable for filtering phishing e-mails since they generally do not consider the specific characteristics of phishing attacks. 4) Install online anti-phishing software in user’s computers: Despite all the above efforts, it is still possible for the users to visit the spoofed Web sites. As a last defense, users can install anti-phishing tools in their computers.The anti-phishing tools in use today can be divided into two categories: blacklist/white list based and rule-based. a) When a user visits a Web site, the antiphishing tool searches the address of that site in a blacklist stored in the database. If the visited site is on the list, the anti-phishing tool then warns the users . They cannot prevent the attacks from the newly emerged (unknown) phishing sites. b) Uses certain rules in their software, and checks the security of a Web site according to these rules.Examples Spoof Guard and Trust W atch provide a toolbar in the browsers all the above defense methods are useful and complementary to each other, but none of them are perfect at the current stage. PROPOSED SYSTEM A. Classification of the hyperlinks in the phishing e-mails The hyperlinks used in the phishing e-mail into the following categories: 1) The hyperlink provides DNS domain names in the anchor text, but the destination DNS name in the visible link doesn't match that in the actual link. For instance, the following hyperlink: <a href= â€Å"http://www. profusenet. et/checksession. php†>https://secure. regionset. com/EBanking/logon/ </a> appears to be linked to secure. regionset. com, which is the portal of a bank, but it actually is linked to a phishing site www. profusenet. net. 2) Dotted decimal IP address is used directly in the URI or the anchor text instead of DNS name. For example. <a href= â€Å"http://61. 129. 33. 105/secured-site/www. skyfi. Com/ index. html? MfclSAPICommand=Sig nInFPP&UsingSSL= 1†³> SIGN IN </a> 3) The hyperlink is counterfeited maliciously by using certain encoding schemes.There are two cases: a) The link is formed by encoding alphabets into their corresponding ASCII codes. See below for such a hyperlink. <a href=†http://034%02E%0333%34%2E%311%39%355%2E%o340o31:%34%39%30%33/%6C/%69%6E%64%65%78%2E%68%74%6D†> www. citibank. com </a> While this link is seemed pointed www. citibank. com, it actually points to http://4. 34. 195. 41:34/l/index. htm. b) Special characters (e. g. (in the visible link) are used to fool the user to believe that the e-mail is from a trusted sender.For instance, the following link seems is linked to amazons, but it actually is linked to IP address 69. 10. 142. 34. http://www. amazon. com:[email  protected] 10. 142. 34. 4) The hyperlink does not provide destination information in its anchor text and uses DNS names in its URI. The DNS name in the URI usually is similar with a famous company or organization. For instance, the following link seems to be sent from PayPal, but it actually is not. Since paypal-cgi is actually registered by the phisher to let the users believe that it has something to do with paypal <a href= â€Å"http://www. aypal-cgi. us/webscr. php? Cmd=Login†> Click here to confirm your account </a> 5) The attackers utilize the vulnerabilities of the target Web site to redirect users to their phishing sites or to launch CSS (cross site scripting) attacks. For example, the following link <a href=†http://usa. visa. com/track/dyredirjsp? rDirl=http://200. 251. 251. 10/. verified/†> Click here <a> Once clicked, will redirect the user to the phishing site 200. 251. 251. 10 due to a vulnerability of usa. visa. com. B. LINK GUARD ALGORITHM:LinkGuard works by analyzing the differences between the visual link and the actual link. It also calculates the similarities of a URI with a known trusted site C. LI NK GUARD IMPLEMENTED CLIENT: It includes two parts: a whook. dll dynamic library and a LinkGuard executive. Whook is a dynamic link library; it is dynamically loaded into the address spaces of the executing processes by the operating system. Whook is responsible for collecting data, such as the called links and visual links, the user input URLs. LinkGuard is the key component of the implementation.It’s composed of 5 parts Comm: This collects the information of the input process, and sends these related information’s to the Analyzer. Database: Store the white list, blacklist, and the user input URLs. Analyzer: It is the key component of Link Guard, which implements the Link Guard algorithm; it uses data provided by Comm and Database, and sends the results to the Alert and Logger modules. Alerter: When receiving a warning message from Analyzer, it shows the related information to alert the users and send back the reactions of the user back to the Analyzer.Logger: Archive the history information, such as user events, alert information, for future use. Software And Hardware Specification HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS * Hard disk:20 GB and above * RAM:256 MB and above * Processor speed: 1. 6 GHz and above SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS * Operating System: Windows 2000/XP * Documentation Tool:Ms word 2000 * Technology used : jsp,servlets,Apache Tomact 5. 5 * Database : Oracle XE

Monday, July 29, 2019

Chemistry Report on Explosives

Chemistry Report on Explosives Chemistry Report on Explosives What is meant byoxidation and show how oxidation reactions are used to cause explosions. Oxidation is the term used for the combinationof a substance with oxygen, or in general any reaction where an atom ormolecule loses electrons. This can be shown as: C (s) + O2 (g) CO (g) S=solid, g=gas Gunpowderor black powder is the oldest explosive we know. It is made up of a mixture ofpotassium nitrate (also known as saltpetre or KNO 3 ), charcoal, andsulfur in different proportions. When gunpowder is manufactured today, it ismade with the ratios 7.5:1.5:1 by mass (2). Bothgunpowder and dynamite have within them substances which are readily availableto oxidation. The oxygen which is used for the oxidation is an intrinsic partof the mixture, and is held within them in the same manner that oxygen isstored in the chemical potassium chlorate. Whengunpowder is ignited, this oxidation is extremely rapid, and a large volume ofgas is produced. The gasses are under ex treme pressure, which causesthem to expand rapidly. Heat is produced causing the gas particles toaccelerate, creating even more pressure. If the gas expands faster than thespeed of sound, this creates a shockwave. The pressure produced by the gassesis what causes parts of the bomb (shrapnel) to be propelled far and wide atvery high speeds(1). Thespeed at which something oxidises is dependant on its potential to interactwith oxygen. The greater number of unstable electrons that a molecule or atomhas to lose, the quicker it will be oxidised (3). b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Give an account of thedevelopment of chemical compounds for use in explosives. Describe theadvantages of each new chemical explosive over its predecessors, and describehow the explosives were adapted to make them safer and more effective. (9marks) It is thought that the firstexplosive discovered was ‘black powder’, originating in 10th Century China. Itwas used for ceremonial fireworks. In Europe, 1242 saw the formula for blackpowder being published by Roger Bacon. The refinement of the substance closelyfollowed after the gun was invented by Berthold Schwartz in 1300. Around thistime, black powder was being used for removal of rocks, the teqnique was knownas fire setting, but this was replaced with blasting at the beginning of the17th Century. There are records of blasting in America from 1773 (4). The production of black powderwas rapidly increased during the American Revolution. By the turn of thecentury, the commercial production of the explosive had grown from 25 millionto 100 million (2). In 1846, Nitroglycerin wasdiscovered by Ascanio Sobrero. Nitroglycerin plasticizes collodion which is aform of nitrocellulose to form blasting gelatin. This is a very powerfulexplosive. The discovery of this action led to the advancement of ballistite, thefirst double-base propellant and a precursor of cordite. Alfred Nobel built a factory toproduce it in 1861 in Sweden. An advantage of nitroglycer in was its massiveexplosive power, but it was very difficult to transport as it is a liquid,which used black powder to ignite it. It could also freeze and had toxic fumeswhich caused severe headaches (5). In 1867, Nobel accidentallyinvented Dynamite and he went on to patent his mixture. It was a greatdiscovery, being more powerful than black powder, with a higher detonationvelocity which made it much more effective breaking rock as it not only moved,but broke apart the rock

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Significant Others Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Significant Others - Assignment Example Because of the support Rivera give to her Kahlo, she returned the same support to him. She thought that her husband was the greatest painter of all times, referring her as â€Å"architect of life.† However, Kahlo did not want to compete with Rivera as she would talk about her artwork in diminishing terms, as though they were an amusing pastime. She would defend the artwork of Rivera passionately against all detractors (Chadwick & Courtivron 123). Since Rivera was an older and more experience than his Kahlo, his influence in the art industry assisted Kahlo’s art to be recognized worldwide. The legacy of their partnership is their approach to birth, shared pre-occupation their country with the death. Both Kahlo and River in their paintings included delineations of pre-Hispanic art. Moreover, the central subject of their paintings in that they addressed each other. When Kahlo painted Rivera, she would depict him as her husband and the one she loved. Similarly, Rivera painted his wife by depicting her as a political figure or symbol. For an instant, in Rivera’s 1928 Insurrection, he painted her as an eager political activist; dressed in a red-work shirt emblazoned with a red star (Chadwick & Courtivron 132). The social media that I belong to and is most significant in my life is Facebook. Facebook helps me to connect quickly with my family and pals across the world in a relaxed manner. I am able to know how each of my Facebook friends is failing and passing news to them at will. Sharing of photos, images, status and videos is easy in Facebook. In addition, I am on Twitter as it helps me to meet different people and organizations in a casual environment. With the hashtags in Twitter, I am able to know what the different parties are conversing about. My mother is the most important person in my life. She supports me in my education and career as an artist. She gives me moral support as she has a place for my

The Rights of Animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Rights of Animals - Essay Example It will support Singer's argument and present logical reasons to state the case. It will also dispel common fallacies of the opposition view and confront the objections raised most often A vegetarian diet is as healthy as a diet containing meat and in many cases has been shown to be healthier. Meat is not necessary to feed mankind as the amount of vegetable nutrition required to produce meat far outpaces the food value of the meat produced. Having accepted that we can subsist adequately on a vegetarian diet, it becomes imperative that we consider the rights of animals and extend moral dignity to all species. To explore the rights of animals, as equals, mandates that we first define equality as it relates to humans. We do not define equal rights for humans in terms of our willingness to overlook our differences. All humans have physical differences and diverse capabilities. These differences; mental agility, physical prowess, and beauty are accepted as part of being human. This can be illustrated with our concept of equality as it relates to differing ages, the ability to play music, or being multi-lingual. These differences do not limit a human's right to equality. Being equal is not a mere matter of accepting our differences. This absurd extension of reasoning would justify treating a bridge as equal to a human. Our differences are not relevant to the argument. The definition of equality lies not in our ability to overlook difference, but to identify and acknowledge what common thread binds us as human beings. When we examine the human race to determine where our sameness lies, physical and cognitive attributes are soon discarded. The wide range of attributes on the physical plane among humans immediately rejects anything material as sameness. We must therefore look to mental conditions, and awareness of that condition, to evaluate our sameness. On a simple plane of mental agility, we recognize differences in our abilities at work and in scholarly endeavors. Our sameness lies beyond our brain's ability to calculate and resides in deeper levels of consciousness. We ascribe our sameness to self-awareness, concept of past and future, and the ability to feel emotion. These are the concepts that are presumed to be unique to humans by those willing to disregard the rights of animals. Self-awareness is not the sole property of the human race. Animals are acutely aware of their self, their image, and their limitations. A cat will groom itself and will understand where the cat ends and the rest of the universe begins. Animals express their self-awareness in many aspects and in all species. Birds will display plumage and color to attract a mate. They will signal their mate with audible as well as visual indications. They are expressing their self-awareness. The human concept of past and future is reflected in our ability to learn from mistakes, plan for the future, and our appreciation of history. Animals routinely learn from trial and error. The error may result in inhumane punishment as in a training situation when a dog learns obedience. Animals obviously learn to hunt and adjust their method based on success or failure. Hunting and socialization is passed from each generation to the younger members of animal societies. As well as they learn and remember the past, it may also be shown that they exhibit grief at the death of a mate or social group member. Displays of anxiety are commonplace whether we observe

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Building of the Progressive Field Research Paper

The Building of the Progressive Field - Research Paper Example The Gateway project was a major achievement in that it was the first successful construction of two fields at the same location. In the project, the progressive Field, then known as Jacobs Field, was the first to be completed and is heralded as the first baseball-only facility in the US. The Progressive Field was built as part of the Gateway project which envisioned better sports in downtown Cleveland. It was multi-phased strategy to develop a large sports complex in Cleveland and which Sasaki would provide the desired designs It was a sophisticated strategy aimed at revitalizing of the economy through consensus building. The master plan had an important objective of incorporating the entertainment and sports aspects into the downtown areas. This idea would serve as a catalyst for economic growth by opening space fabric in the downtown city. Therefore, before plans for a baseball stadium and a basketball arena were floated, there existed a dream of a domed stadium on the same site. I n the early 1980s, the Cleveland Browns and the Cleveland Indians had complained and grumbled about the state of the aging Cleveland Stadium, which had housed them for many years. The fact that the stadium was 50 years old did not help matters and this kept fans away from cheering their teams. The project was kick started in 1984 when county voters in Cleveland defeated a proposed increase in property tax to fund the construction of a new dome shaped stadium. The Mayor had proposed a 0.9-mill increase in the property tax and would affect home owners.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Role of the Judge in Integrity and Ethics Assignment

The Role of the Judge in Integrity and Ethics - Assignment Example One, the judge has to have an element of compliance with the law. As one of the most senior persons in the criminal justice system, the judge has to set an example of how the accused has to abide by the law by observing the law to the best extent possible. A judge who does not abide by the law in his responsibilities and other personal duties defeats the essence of his/her profession and has no merit being in the justice system to try those accused of breaking the law. Secondly, the judge has to avoid conflict of interest to the best extent possible as one of the best integrity principles. Some judges may have law firms with attorneys that represent accused persons in the court. In such circumstances, a judge would fail the integrity test by hearing a case with one of the attorneys as the partner in such law firms as the judge may be tempted to be biased towards the attorney with whom they have previously shared a law firm. Integrity tests require such a judge withdraw from such a ca se to be heard before a different neutral judge. The third element of integrity is personal responsibility. Every judge has to take it upon him/herself to ensure justice to all parties without compromise (Prenzler, 2009). This is an integrity test that a credible judge has to reflect in all his or her ruling. The public is entitled to have complete trust, respect for the integrity of criminal justice system as well as have confidence in their operations that are done professionally. As such, professions within the criminal justice system have to maintain and jealously guard such public confidence considering that justice is one of the major pillars of any constitution. All criminal justice professionals have to adhere to the highest standards possible without allowing any gaps that may lead the public to doubt such officials to guard such public confidence. Therefore, the role of integrity and ethics in the criminal justice profession is to ensure the public develops and maintains the highest degree of confidence in the institutions and to protect the rights and liberties as spelt out under the constitution to the best way possible.  Ã‚  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Issue of immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Issue of immigration - Essay Example First of all, we should never forget the fact that United States is a country of immigrants from the very its creation. This makes USA essentially multicultural as there are a lot of representatives of different cultures and nations cohabitate on the same territory. Recent researches show that the level of immigration in the US is increasing not only because of a better economical level of life, but also because of the multiculturalism of the country, which allows people from different counties feel comfortable on the US territory (Clark, Hatton, and Williamson 359). In addition, it is very important for immigrants to live in a country that can provide them with special adaptation to their cultural consumer needs, like production of special goods, adaptation of language, and ethnical-based education. These policies indeed exist in the US and depend on a state and the amount of foreign immigrants in it (Crockett et al. 50). However, racial and national humanism that exists in the coun try is obviously not the main reason why people from all over the world strive to live in USA. The main reason is a high level of life and possibility of gaining material prosperity in the United States (Orrenius and Zavodny 949). Still the increasing level of immigration has caused some difficulties concerning changes in the US immigration policies. This new restricted laws and conditions of checking of incoming immigrants forbid a lot of people to become US citizens. One of such issue is division of immigrants’ families where children born within the US borders are citizens while their parents are illegal (Hwang and Parreà ±as 100). The problem causes a lot of discussions as the restricted immigrant law often breaks families, creating unhappy citizens of the country and forming a specific layer of society. In fact, these actions break the liberal principles of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

4.How convincing is Porters model of national competitive advantage in Essay

4.How convincing is Porters model of national competitive advantage in explaining the characteristics and performance of the business systems of major economies - Essay Example However, irrespective of the individual firms, some countries as a whole have achieved a higher competitive position than the others (Baker, 2007). This paper will shed some light on how the nations achieve competitive advantage by using Porter’s Diamond model. This model focuses on the determining factors of national competitive advantage. The paper will discuss about the issues and loop holes of the Porter’s diamond Model and how they fail to answer certain circumstantial problems. Porter (1990) explained the competitiveness of a nation based on the four different parameters, which are factor conditions, demand conditions, supporting or related industries and firms’ strategy, structure and rivalry. Factor Conditions: The factor conditions include the production factors of a nation, like human resources and human capital, physical resources, knowledge base, financial strength. The quantity and quality of the available human resources determine the national production capabilities. Demand Conditions: The demand conditions explain the level of demands of products in the home country. The higher level of demand influences the pace of product innovation and improves service quality. Firms’ Strategy structure Rivalry: This parameter suggests how the firms in a country are organized and how they determine the domestic competitiveness. This mostly reflects the organizational cultural trends of the nation. Certain organizational behaviour and pattern of activities provide added advantage to them in terms of other foreign companies. Relating and supporting industries: The presence of other industries influences the competitive position of an organization. The presence of other industries can be leveraged by the domestic firms in order to create competitive advantage. The four parameters of the Diamond model although acts as a determinant of national competitive advantage, are mostly industry oriented. The diamond model

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Clean Air Act and the Components and Prevention of Air Pollution Essay

Clean Air Act and the Components and Prevention of Air Pollution - Essay Example The aim of the Act is to provide clean air that is safe to breathe for all the residents of America. Protection of the public health is the main goal of the Act although the law also looks out to protect the environment from the pollution caused by air. The Environmental Protection Agency of the United States sets the national standard of air quality. The quality will protect the residents from the common pollutants like ozone, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide. It is the duty of the state governments to chalk out plans that will meet the standards within a particular period of time. The other major sources of pollution include automobiles, trucks and power plants. The EPA sets the national standards of pollution for these sources as well. In 1970, the provisions of the Clean Air Act were passed by the congress. In 1977 and 1990, the law was amended to extend the deadlines. The basic motto of the Act has remained intact while development of new strategies for air preventing air pol lution is on progress. The act tested tremendous success. It has provided the society will cleaner air along with improvement in public health. There is 98 percent drop in the emissions of toxic lead and 35 percent drop in the emissions of sulphur dioxide. There is increase in driving by 127 percent but even then the carbon monoxide emissions have dropped by 32 percent. Even now the health of millions of Americans is at risk as many parts of the country are still involved in violating the law. (Clean Air Trust). The first two decades after the implementation of the Act resulted in

Analysis of Factors Influencing Attrition in It Sector Essay Example for Free

Analysis of Factors Influencing Attrition in It Sector Essay With the economy of India booming at an all time high despite the impact of recession, it is an employee’s market. A large number of multiple jobs are being circulated in organizations and across industries, employees take little time to ponder and leave for greener pastures. In the event the employee feels dissatisfied with his job content, colleagues, boss or a general feeling of discontentment, disillusionment or disappointment creeps in him, considering present market conditions he need not think twice but can easily chucks for good. But obviously it is not good for the employers. Organizations spend a major buck in inducting an employee, beginning from the recruitment process to his internalization in the organization. After reaping rich benefits in the organization in terms of learning, growth, development and availing every possible opportunity in that time span he feels he should go. The HR department is left in the hanging as how to fill in the gap between the demand and supply in terms of human resources. But it helps organizations understand why at all attrition takes place. Why at all at the first place did the idea for leaving come in the mind of the employee. And if at all it came, then why the organization was not pro-active enough to have sensed his dissatisfaction. Furthermore why was it not well equipped to have stopped him from leaving? The entire cycle is vicious. Normally no one welcomes change unless it is forced to be applied. Similarly when an employee joins the organization, he really has no intension of leaving. Circumstances and conditions arise which make him think towards cutting ties. If negative conditions continue to exist then he is confirmed to leave. We all know people do crib about money, not good perks and facilities but if they are happy they stay for the sake of that happiness. People also join organizations for their need for socialization. When they form friends at their work stations; they look forward coming to office every morning. People leave because of boredom and disenchantment from everything. They find no other recluse other than leaving towards somewhere else.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Diversity at Barclays Bank Essay Example for Free

Diversity at Barclays Bank Essay There are four top leading Banks in UK, Barclays Bank is one of the leading banks. Barclays Bank considers honest prompting an atmosphere or environment where diversity is highly respected and accepted. Diversity as defined by (Dictionary, 2009) is said to be the reality or standard of being diverse (Rajan Amin, 2003) Says diversity contains personal individuality explained by age, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, sexual position. These differences are established and guarded by law. Diversity in workplace can also be viewed has the difference in qualities and attributes in people working in an organisation. Diversity in workplace can have positive influence in efficient and smooth running of an organisation and can cause chaos between the employees if not administered properly. In 1963 Late President of USA, John Kennedy met with the Americans leaders to discuss about (Drachsler, 2013) the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act which was made law on June 19 of 1964 to focus on Equal opportunity commission and affirmative action and policies, which made the organisations, focus more on just complying on legislation imposed by law, it moved to another stage during the early 1980s to incorporate minors and women into workforce in the late 1980s it moved from just complying to rules and regulations and focuses more on business survival. In the late 1990s there is much shift from complying to laws and to focus on incorporating women and minors into workforce to including everyone in the workforce to know the differences in each employee in the workforce and to be sensitised about the needs and distinctions of others. Now in this century Diversity has shifted attention to inclusion and diversity to increase the efficiency, profitability, wide scope and all factors that can lead to business success. There are two types of workforce diversity Surface level diversity and deep level diversity 1. Surface level diversity as defined by (Kenneth Price H, 2002) as distinctions to each of more members of a team in an overt demographic feature. It is also said to be the different features in workforce that can be seen and observed such Age, Gender, Religion, and Ethnicity. Marital status was also listed as an factors to be considered as a surface level diversity and all these aforementioned examples of surface level diversity  are quantifiable 2. Deep level diversity is defined as distinctions between values, personality and preferences in work. It also defined by (Kenneth Price H, 2002) as the predetermined distinctions among members of a team’ personalities included psychological characteristics, values and attitudes. They factors here can only be felt and cannot be seen they are qualified they cannot be quantified. There are benefits derived from workforce diversity, In Employee management they make good utilization of talents, improved quality of team problem- solving efforts and strength to attract and retain employee’s organisations benefits. In Strategic problem solving skills such as prospective to improve sales volume and to increase market capital base of the organisation, good ethical behaviours ( knowing the right thing to do) . In Organisational Operation they derive good team spirit among the employees, good problem solving strength and lowering cost that is connected to absenteeism and law suit s. Diversity is a two edged sword (Chrobot-Mason, 2013) which means it has positive and negative advantage. There are challenges to workforce diversity such as communication in multicultural environments has mentioned by (Fatima Oliviera, july 2013) and diversity involves not only how employees see themselves but how they see others. That insight affects the way they interact. (Sreedhar, 2011) Highlighted that there is need for professionals in human resource department to consider and administer effectively with issues of change, communication and adaptability. (CHUA, 2013) Also discussed that as organisations become more culturally diverse, conflicts and tensions are bound to happen among employees or people that are from different cultural backgrounds. With all these above mentioned merits and demerits I think diversity is the management of differences in employees effectively and eliminating conflicts that might arise afterwards. Barclays has the believe that to be among the first four leading banks in the world they need a rock solid diversity and inclusion strategy programme and policy to be in place to give them a huge advantage among their rivals in the banking sector . They started by knowing that the foundation of their success is in the talented people they employ, whatsoever lifestyle, age, personality, religion, race, disability, gender or sexual orientation. Barclays focuses on six principal areas of diversity; Gender- is the most important of Barclays diversity and inclusion policy, promoted by the Barclays executive diversity group and it was aimed at increasing the number of women in the senior roles by doing all that is possible to make women in the organisation fulfil their career potential with Barclays increasing female portrayal to at least 20% by the end of last year and rising more to more than 25% by 2015 at the board level. Recruiting is based on merit, and gender diversity is considered seriously when exerting talents across the globe, from the future leader programmes to the most senior recruit and they do make sure that all those that provide recruitment support, supports the vision to lure in diverse candidates around the world. However, other banks all over the globe have innovated Women’s Initiative Networks but the Barclays Women of the year award identifies talented personal and Professional attainment from female employees globally, as well as identifying male em ployee who champion and be of support to female career development. Disability Barclays has shown commitment to being a disability self- assured organisation. Their aim is to lure more highly expertise people, aid disabilities or health defect by making available the equipment and accommodation that enable their employee to be outstanding. Awareness of employee with disability is giving the Bank to recognise modern ways of making products, service and facilities available to everyone an illustration the organisation run disability listening groups, the forum provides staffs with disability with the chance to meet with high level employee and give materials into calculated transformation to improve the working society. Generational diversity Recognising generational diversity in workplace adds cognitive capital to Barclays bank, which promotes revolutions for employees, clients and the customers of the Bank. Barclays bank manages this by supporting the recruitment process and holding firm an age diverse workforce. Creating a workforce with no age limit on each vacant position at Barclays is set as a goal achievable. Merit is the criteria for any elevation; elevation is open to all employees through a yearly achievement and development review  procedure. They are among just few organisations that have taken the proactive measures to include multigenerational diverse workforce into the employee working tactics, the age employees also believes that skill, strength, capability and accomplishment are the backbone of all good performances, which is making the bank one of the leading banks in the world. Sexual Orientation Barclays has good records to encourage their Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered employees, customers and clients and the Bank have been known worldwide by numerous external establishments, Human Rights Campaign in the US are included. Barclays was at the stonewall workplace equality index (WEI) controlled by the United kingdom’s chief Lesbian Gay Bisexual charity, and they were ranked number three in year 2011 in acknowledgment of the work been done to make sure their workplace, products and services are included. They achieved 100 percent in the 2011 Human Rights campaign corporate equality index in the USA and it 95percent in the UK. Multiculturalism This is a very important tool for organisations in the current global business world, Barclays works with a great cultural diversity sense. Barclays Employees are from all around the globe, the employees throughout the Barclays around the world set a footmark to make up a constantly changing pattern of nationalities, cultures and heritage. The distinctive approaches are immeasurable in making sure the organisation comprehend what the need of their customers and clients all around the world is, and with that they provide expert products and services to meet the needs. More to this is the Cultural Awareness Employee network which brings together employees within all Barclays to make sure the bank continue to find up to date method to examine the world with the motive of evaluating and leveraging differences. CONCLUSION Globalisation has made businesses to see diversity has a must do thing, to be successful in modern day business, diversity in workplace should not be treated as complying to law and regulations, it is now a thing of inclusion  and diversity to increase the efficiency, profitability, wide scope and all factors that can lead to business success. For Barclays Bank, Diversity and inclusion is much more than just complying with the law. It means stating and having an active policy in place to make the very best of their diverse staff to serve the clients, customers and benefit their employee to make them retain the height they are in the business world. RECOMMENDATION Having observed all the analysis of diversity and inclusion it is therefore suggested that the following be done to enjoy more benefits of diversity Minimise inequalities among employee to reduce conflicts among the employee. Training and re training programme on human relation should be put in place for employee to enable the employee to know how best to interact among their contemporary. Change is constant so therefore diversity policies and procedures guide lines should be amended yearly. Bibliography Chrobot-Mason, D. A. N. P., 2013. The psychological benefits of creating an affirming climate for workplace diversity. Professiona and management development training, 38(1059-6011), p. 31. CHUA, R. Y. J., 2013. The costs of ambient cultural disharmony: Indirect intercultural Conflicts in social environment undermine creativity. Academy of Management Journal, 56(0001-4273), p. 33. Dictionary, A. H., 2009. Mifflin Houghton. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 01 2014]. Drachsler, D. A., 2013. Supreme court sets high bar for Title vii retaliation claims.. Labour law journal, 64(4-0023-6586), p. 6. Fatima Oliviera, M. d., july 2013. Multicultural Environments and Thier Challenges to Crisis Communication. Business In Communication , 50(0021- 9436). Kenneth Price H, D. H. A. J. G. H. A. F. T., 2002. TIME, TEAMS, AND TASK PERFORMANCE: CHANGING EFFECTS OF SURFACE- AND DEEP-LEVEL DIVERSITY ON GROUP FUNCTIONING. Academy of Management Journal, 45(5), pp. 1029-1045. Rajan Amin, H. S., 2003. The business impact of diversity. Business Source Premier, Issue 0959-5848, p. 1471 Words. Sreedhar, U., 2011. Workforce Diversity and HR Challenges. OB and HRM Department, IBS, Bangalore (Karnataka), INDIA, 4(0974-2611), pp. p33-36.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Case Study Tapal Tea (Private) Limited

Case Study Tapal Tea (Private) Limited Pakistan was the second largest tea importer of the world after England. Almost all the tea consumed in Pakistan is imported. Tea is popular beverage in both Urban and rural areas of Pakistan. The total retail market of black tea was estimated at 140,000 tons i.e. Rs. 35 billion in 2001. The retail market of tea is growing at rate of 2.6 % annually. 95 % of tea imported from Kenya comprised of leaf tea and dust tea. In Pakistan consumption of tea in urban areas is 40% while 60% contributed by rural area . Tea is sold in two categories of branded and unbranded packages. Branded tea constituted 55% and unbranded has 45% market share. Industry Competition: In Pakistan, Unilever is market leader with 60% share while Tapal has 26% share and the remaining 14% includes small players such as Kohinoor,vital,isphaani. UNILEVER-The Market Leader: Unilever is major competitor of Tapal, under taken several marketing mix activities to enhance their product sales of Lipton Yellow Label Brooke Bond Supreme brands. Unilever introduced 500-grams packaging to cater demand from tea stalls. They also made changes in Lipton logo. From pricing point of view Unilever revised prices from time to time to time due to various changes in micro and macro environment. For distribution Unilever has 6 regions with 526 distributors nationwide. They also support some of the weak distributors by giving them three-wheeler by investing Rs 5 millions to improve their performance. Introduction of Tapal tea Tapal was the largest Pakistani owned tea company in the country founded by AdamAli Tapal as a family concern in 1947 at Jodia bazaar in Karachi. Initially they started from an unbranded tea to cater tea stall and restaurant in Karachi. This unique brand named as FAMILY MIXTURE soon becomes the largest selling brand in the tea market. Tapal is supposed to be pioneer in number of development in tea industry of Pakistan which includes new category of DENEDAR tea ,introduction of high quality tea from Kenya, ISO 9002 quality certification, soft tea packs and metal free bags in Pakistan. Brands owned by Tapal: Tapal Chai Family Mixture Danedar Leaf Blend Chenak Dust Mezban Super Dust Gulbahar Green Tea Tapal Special Teabags Safari PF Marketing Sales promotion Activities by Tapal: In order to increase and retain the market share of Tapal in tea industry, Tapal applied number of marketing mix strategies to improve their sales in period 0f 1998-2001. Tapal changed packaging of its leading brand, Tapal DENEDAR to revamp the brand image and to fight with other counterfeit brands , they also launched the sachet packs. Tapal revised prices about four to five times in the given period of time to stay competitive with other brands. During the period of 1998-2001 Tapal spent 1.75% of its annual retail sales on advertising promotion. They also took over some ATL and BTL activities .with the help of print and electronic media Tapal promotes new logo Tapal- Makes Tea Time Terrific. Sales Management: Tapal sales territories were divided on the geographical basis. The whole market is divided into two regions Northand South both are independent of each other. Northern region included Punjab and Khyber Pukhtonkha while the southern region consisted of Sindh and Baluchistan. Northern town has 6 zones which are further divided into 23 territories. Southern region has 6 zone having 17 territories. A territory executive assigned to each territory. Total distributors in Pakistan are 400, 203 in northern region and 197 in southern region. SELECTION CRITERIA The territory executive needed to be a permanent resident of the area assigned and should have 2-3 yrs of selling experience along a minimum graduation degree. Hiring of territory executives was done at regional level with the final approval from the Head Office (Karachi). ÂÂ   SETTING SALES QUOTA/TARGET The market gap was analyzed at the first hand for setting sales target for the territory. Then the actual sales of Tapal, Unilever and others in the previous year were added up to determine the market size. The competitor sales were estimated through market intelligence from competitor`s distributors. The sales forecast is given by the distributors which are then assessed by the territory executives who submit the revised estimates to Zonal Managers. It is then approved at the final level by the Regional Managers. The annual quota is communicated to the territory executives and distributors by the second week of July each year. Problems Issues faced by Northern Region of TAPAL: Declining sales Negative variations in sales quotas assigned to territories. Rising selling expense Number of distributors are not appropriate with population size and no of outlets Unbranded tea suppliers are not considered by Tapal Zonal Managers. Zonal managers had set too optimistic targets for territory managers that are not realistic. Zonal mangers were unable to assess and improve the performance of territory managers. Zonal managers had not appropriately planned sales territories. Zonal managers were unable to add no. of distributors to cover the wider area they are just working with current distributors and increasing the no. of retail outlets. From exhibit 9, we can sort out that out of 23territory executives just 1 is showing excellent performance, however 8 executives are showing poor performance and 8 are just fairly performing their jobs. From exhibit 10 we can see that the company was too optimistic and it set its target sales too high as compared to previous year in all territories specially in Rawalpindi II (of about 354% increase in sales target), Sarghoda 260% increase Faisalabad 59.2% increase Recommendations to Overcome Problems: Zonal manager should consider unbranded tea products while focusing on MARKET Gap. When distributors give their sales forecast to territory executive, they must also concern with the problems faced by the distributors and try to solve them as Lipton helps their weak distributors by three wheelers. Clearly define the territory boundaries to Eliminate cross area sales problems. And take strict action on it. Company should cut-down unnecessary distributors to reduce selling expense, and increase new distributors where there is a market gap. Reduced the basic salary structure and Increase the incentive system so as the sales force motivate to achieve targets. Sales Quotas must be realistic and attainable in consideration with market potential. Zonal manager make teams of territory executives having good and excellent performance with executive showing poor performance so as poor one can learn the tactics to be successful.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Transient Global Amnesia :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Transient Global Amnesia A little while ago, my father and grandfather were driving in our car together. All of a sudden, my grandfather said that he was feeling dizzy and thought the beginnings of a migraine were coming on. My grandfather is extremely healthy and has an amazing memory, so my father was shocked when not long after, when grandfather asked where Ruthy, his recently deceased wife, was. When my father reminded him that she had died of cancer last year, my grandfather broke into tears, as if he was being told for the first time. In addition, he couldn't even remember what he had just eaten for dinner or any other events of the day. My father drove him straight to the emergency room, worried that he had perhaps just suffered a minor stoke. By the time that he got to the hospital, he was already beginning to regain some of the memories that had been lost. The doctors reassured him that it was not a stroke, but rather a memory disorder called transient global amnesia. Transient global amnesia (TGA) is a type of amnesia involving the sudden, temporary disturbance in an otherwise healthy person's memory. The other main kinds of amnesia are called anterograde and retrograde amnesia. Anterograde amnesia is a type of memory loss associated with a trauma, disease, or emotional events. It is characterized by the inability to remember new information. (1) Retrograde amnesia is associated with the loss of distant memories usually preceding a given trauma. (2) In transient global amnesia, generally both distant memories and immediate recall are retained, as are language function, attention, visual-spatial and social skills. However, during the period of amnesia, people suffering from the disorder cannot remember recent occurrences nor can they retain any new visual or verbal information for more than a couple minutes. (3) Though patients generally remember their own identities, they are often very confused by their surroundings and the people around them. T hey continuously ask questions about events that are transpiring, for example where they are, who is with them, what is happening. However, once they are told, they immediate forget the answer, and repeat the question again. (4) The period of amnesia can last anywhere from one to twenty-four hours. Some people suffer from a headache, dizziness, and nausea while others have only memory loss. TGA generally affects fifty to eighty-year-old men, about 3.4 to 5.

My Hike in Yosemite :: Autobiography, Personal Experience

The trip began when I took a small green pencil and signed by name on the release forms needed to hike in Yosemite National Park. I and nine of my friends left the ranger station that night with a neatly folded map and a felling of excitement to what lay ahead. The long drive to the park left us tired and in need of a good night’s sleep. We decided to stay in tent city like most hikers do before they set out for their trek. Tent city was a large subdivision of tents that resembled a community of houses. Each tent was perfectly uniformed in its appearance and made up a total of fifty tents. Before we went to bead, we studied our maps and made an itinerary to the amount of hiking we would do. The next day began with an alarm clock echoing in my ears at 6 a.m. Our first days hike started early and began with one of the most impressive features of the park. El Capitan is a giant slab of granite rock that towers thousands of feet above the valley floor. Like a skyscraper, the rock has a presence of amazement surrounding its every crevice and crack. After a few minutes of starring at the rock had passed, Eric the leader for that days hike shouted that it was time to go. Because the leader was in charge of the navigation and speed we traveled, he knew that we would not make our campsite if we did not continue. Time drugged along as the weight of a forty-pound pack full of food and water dug into to my bony shoulders. My pack seemed to be getting heaver as the day went on. My shoulders pulsed with pain from the thinly padded straps that connected to my pack. Four hours of this pain was all I could handle. I decided that this was enough I needed to stop. I shouted to Eric that I needed to take a break. He quickly turned around and said it was okay if we stopped. Because it was close to lunch everyone agreed and we all set down to eat lunch. Each one of us was caring five days worth of food for our trek. Every meal was neatly packed in a clear plastic bag and labeled for when it should be eaten. I opened up a package of peanut butter crackers from my lunch package and stared into the open field we had stopped in.

Friday, July 19, 2019

My Life Long Friends :: Friendship Essay

My Life Long Friends      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Looking around my living room, I see my greatest friends of my life are all around me on my book shelves.   Every book I lift off the shelf pinpoints a time in my life.   They represent all the joy, sorrow, and laughter felt in my life.  Ã‚   The large, shiny red poetry book my father read to me reminds me of all of these.   It is probably my favorite.   Then I recall my people friends that attended school with me through the years.   What great fun they were!   I doubt I'll ever forget the smell of my kindergarten class and my first meeting with Belle Hudson.   As I get older, I realize how precious that friendship was.     It taught me how to be a friend and what I have seen in her is what I have looked for in friends ever since.   Now as an adult, I see Belle in friends like Tiffany, Rachelle and it seems my favorite characters in my books have always reminded me a bit of Belle.   Belle had a profound effect on me in childhood as well as later on in life.   She was my finest friend throughout grammar and Junior High school.   We fancied relishing our lunches together.   Laughing about the boys' wicked ways and planning our revenge   at the ensuing recess.   This always made lunch go by so swiftly.   It was hard to tear us apart.   Hell, it was hard to tell us apart.   We were both round bodied and a bit out of shape. But I always saw Belle in a jovial light.   She had a merry way about her, and her laugh was infectious; it reminded me if Christmas bells, tingly, jingling and warm.   I miss her.   She was happy, giving and warm.   Upon reflection, these are the attributes I look for in friends.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rachelle holds a special place in my heart.   I work with her and have found her to be a superb listener and always seems to know how to dole out the right advice. It seems no issue is too large to solve, and I would love to duplicate her upbeat nature   in me. It was our mutual interest in books, not our hiring at the same company that   brought us together.   She desperately wants to be a great writer.   I know she will be.  Ã‚   As our friendship deepens, she has helped me realize my own potential.   Although younger than I, Rachelle has lived a much tougher life.   I could say I know this as hear her words of

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Family and Doctor Essay

Before I go with the topic to express â€Å"Why I want to be a part of Yashoda’s Young Doctor’s Camp†. I like to tell a small incident that had changed my goal and the way I really got admired. The incident took place when I was studying in class 6. I was suffering with high fever, and then usually my parents took me to the nearby doctor. This was the time when my brain was concentrating seriously, I observed that all the patients were keen to meet the doctor and express their disarray. They relied on the doctor totally which was easily understood by their smiling faces after consulting the doctor. They also believed that he was the only one who can cure their disarray. This made me to think that the profession of a doctor has a high position in the society and he is the one who will be trusted forever. Then I have decided to have my goal to become a doctor. I started to work hard from that moment towards my goal. Even I used to have a feeling in my mind that I can really do my best to prove myself. From then I started to work hard in the field of science . This showed me immense results . I was able to maintain a huge patience in my all works. And even I started to analyze what should be maintained to have a good health. Being a doctor is really tough and it will need huge patience and hard work. I want to relate to another incident that took place in my life when I was 2 years old. Don’t be shocked that how I can remember what happened when I was two years old it is not magic, but my father revealed it to me. I used to live with my grandparents those days. I was suffering with heavy motions those days. My grandfather was cautious about the viral infections and took me to the hospital for treatment. The doctor gave me a medicine named with ‘G’. My grandpa gave the prescription to the pharmaceutical shop person. H e gave the medicine to my grandpa and it was given to me. But, the results after using the medicine were different; my disarray was not cured for even after some days. This made my grandpa to check the medicine he found that a single letter ‘I’ was misplaced with a letter ‘r’. This incident when my father was saying I was amazed to know that a single letter plays a vital role. I learnt that a doctor should be always aware about his actions and I started to think before once before I do anything. This will make me to take good decisions. But I think this will not be the trait of the real doctor’s as they are really very much experienced in their profession. This made me also realize that to become a good doctor we should be experienced in the profession. So I think by now you might have made a picture what kind of girl I am. I possess patience, I believe in truth; I will take the responsibility for my action’s and I will believe in the word â€Å"trust†. And I believe that being a doctor is like giving a commitment to serve for the society. So, before I go on with expressing my curriculum performance, I have to say a few lines on Yashoda Hospitals. They were really awesome and the doctor’s are really friendly and caring. You can ask me how I can say this feedback. I have an original experience with Yashoda hospitals. W hen my uncle had an accident in the industry almost his hand fingers were crashed. When we immediately rushed to the nearby hospitals they said that the whole hand should be removed. The pain felt by my aunt when she heard this was still in my heart. Then my father had a thought with him to take to the Yashoda hospital will be a good way. Only a single second after his words, we rushed to the Yashoda hospital. We observed that the crews of Yashoda Hospital were really caring towards the patients. Then we met the doctor and he said that no problem to the hand it will be cured with an operation. This stunned me that there are different kinds of treatments going on. And this even made me clear that Yashoda hospital doctors are the ones with immense character and also they believe in the proper treatment. And I forgot to mention that I take care of the animals suffering with hunger as instructed by my biology teacher to take care of the poor ones by giving them food. This was one of the reasons why I rushed to my teacher when she said I am eligible for a camp with Yashoda hospital doctors. And then coming to my curriculum I am good at Physics, Chemistry and Biology. I even do my bit good to get higher grade in maths. Coming to the languages I know I can speak in Telugu, English and a bit of Hindi. I am helpful and friendly with my friends. I will respect the elders. And I am always ready to learn anything. I have high confidence in myself. I will concentrate in my studies to show good performance through my higher grades. I even take almost everything serious except a fight with my sister. I will read books a lot. I will usually gather good science facts and the collection of things which I felt amazed will be with me always. I don’t get irritated fast. I will even take good exercise and balanced diet to keep my body fit. I will also gather the up to date information about the new techniques in the treatment of patients. I am lso a bit patriotic because I feel that doing something to the mother land is really a great job. This was one of the main reason why I chose to be a doctor because I can serve my country. I believe in the principles of Abdul kalam and Mother Teresa. I would also state one of the main aspects of mine which my mom says wrong, but I feel it is right; the query is that I usually work hard by sitting to study at least for 5 hours a day. But my mom says you should study even hard, but I believe in studying with concentration and practical experiences rather sitting like a book worm. I believe the fact that if you love your work you will excel in it. I think these are the qualities I posses and it is up to you whether you select me. I want to experience originally how a doctor behaves and correct myself if am doing a mistake now itself so that I can excel in my profession better in the next coming years. I believe that these are the traits that are of a doctor. If I missed anything, I will learn it through Yashoda hospital doctors in the camp. I hope that I will get selected for this camp, and I believe that one day I will surely be a good doctor.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Modern Trading Culture Essay

With increasing arguing eachday in the consumer commercialize, the world has shifted towards upstart affair ideals. The advance(a) business concept has two major objectives to provide the grassroots necessities under wiz roof. Secondly, the customer should be commensurate to touch the products in person. metro and Macro atomic number 18 the examples of ripe concern submits. The procedures and implementation of forward-looking shell out in new(prenominal) countries is diametrical as comp ard withPakistanbeca ingestion of the local trading culture. groundbreakingization of transaction Systems agree to a research, retail grocery stores tend to acquire from largely traditionalistic trading techniques to advanced(a) trading techniques. As markets red-brickize, the sh atomic number 18 of traditional spate as a percent of total vocation declines easily suppliers, however, go a authority continually need to adjust the gist of resources al hardened to manage the traditional switch over versus the young heap. Smart suppliers manage this balancing numeral by accurately tracking (and genuinely much predicting) the pace at which lynchpin intonations or market evolution shifts be believably to occur. Three everyplacearching factors affect the speed and constitution of market transition. They include (1) consumer trends and purchasing behaviors in the market (2) factors related to advanced(a) retail consolidation (Also called central buying, an approach in chain stores whereby all purchasing is through through a central or main office) and (3) disruptive factors such as the economy, special interests, and disposal regulation etceteraInPakistan there ar a number of manufacturing businesss for unhomogeneous products. The normal distri only ifion channel is that the manufacturers use their own distributors as swell as independent distributors in the market, who buy products from the factory and then deliver to the retail m erchants and the interlocutors. On the other(a) hand, almost retail merchants get products directly from the distributors sequence some be purchasing from the wholesalers. titanic cities cook thousands of outlets in the market for food product items. If we only take the example of partner off cities ofPakistan, there be around 3,000 food market outlets including the small shops inIslamabadand inRawalpindithere are around 15,000 outlets.It is unfeasible for the manufacturer to reach each and every outlet so they need distributors to direct the products avail adequate to the outlets. Even the distributors at generation abide non reach all of the outlets, so there are wholesalers in the markets who buy the products in bulk from distributors or manufacturers. They are located in certain locations where the retail merchants buy the products from the wholesalers.At the end of the day, it all depends on the relationships of the retailer if he has good relationship with the distributors and tummy buy the products on credit from him and even up return the unsold products, or he could buy the same products from a wholesaler ilk an end consumer. We can offer that the markets in Pakistan are divided into 2 categories with respect to retailers first are those who are getting the products from distributors and second are those who are buying the products from wholesalers. Distributors supply the product at the retailers shop but retailer has to go to wholesaler to purchase a product.These consumer trends, retail consolidations, and disruptive factors to a great extent influence retailers assumeth strategies as well as the formats they are most be give care to develop to sustain growth over the long term. As markets evolve, retailers adjust their formats and practicable strategies to cater to differing shopper needs and trends-and thereby maximize retailers reach in an evolving market.Advantages and Disadvantages on that point are numerous advantages of in advance(p) trading placement. There are 3 types of consumers who come to flairrn trading stores like Metro or Macro 1) end substance abusers, 2) traders and 3) hoteliers. The administration of juvenile trade influences the distributor business because retailers are now going directly to these stores and are purchasing products themselves at lesser impairments. Modern trade is reducing the number of distribution channels from the factory to the retail shop. This subtraction of distribution channel increases the gelt margins of both(prenominal)(prenominal) the manufacturer and the retailer.It is a convenient option for the end users to purchase house constrain items from one place at a lesser cost.The disadvantages of modern trade is that it is adversely affecting the business of independent distributors since the manufacturer is giving different prices to the distributors and the modern trading stores .Margins of distributors suck up reduced and they are as well as loosing some of their clientele as some retailers prefer to buy products directly from these modern stores rather than distributors. Another disadvantage of modern trade inPakistanis that it has confused the end user by offering 3 different prices for the same product in the market. Those 3 pricing areas are retail shops, wholesalers and the galactic stores. This usually creates doubts active the quality of the products because of the price variations.Reluctance in Modern TradingSome of the manufacturers are now resulting to enter into modern trading system but it likewise varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. If a company has a strong post of their products in retail outlets of a city, they would as well as be willing to sell their products in a big store. But on the other hand, if a company has idle positioning in the retail outlets, they would vary to sell their products in the modern trading stores. The distributors get fix percentage of profit from the manufact urer to sell their products to the retailers or wholesalers.Indian MarketIf we take the example of India, where consumer trends are very much similar to ours and have been the greatest influencer in forcing modern trade to develop. A significant demographic transition is now underway with a large, young, works population (median age of 24) more atomic families in urban areas an increase in the number of working women and emerging opportunities in the service sector. Urbanization, higher household useable income, and convenience one-stop shopping are other factors that are fueling this modern trade growth. Retail consolidation will slowly help drive modern trade growth as well. It is estimated that the Indian retail industry was worth about USD286 trillion at the end of 2004 yet India ashes one of the most fragmented retail sectors in the world with only 2% of total sales deriving from the modern trade.As that happens, India is likely to see a significant trend toward modern trade as retailers invest in info, technology, and groundwork to exploit and escalate capability growth. roiled factors particularly government regulation are unquestionably the place reason overseas players have not played an authoritative part in triggering retail consolidation in India. However, there is no one path to modernization markets are not dependent on globular retailers as catalysts for modernization. However there are many an(prenominal) markets where global retailers act as chance upon catalysts, and, in fact, capture the lions share of the modern trade. To understandIndias potential future, it is useful to look at examples of lead market types, and why theyve modernized the way they did Markets that have grown the modern trade through global players entering the market Markets that have grown through a hybrid of global and local players and Markets that have modernized driven almost all by local retailers.Government PoliciesThe government policies play a major determination in implementing modern trading system in a region. InIndia, there are some areas where the government has not allowed modern trade stores to operate. Similarly, inPakistanif the existing traders are slow of the entrance of modern trade stores like Metro the government has the authority to lower restrictions on such stores. Nevertheless, these kinds of stores are honorable for the Government as they give dogged General Sales Tax (GST) and also are a foreign coronation in the country.The Core Capabilities Required for emergenceA core takeaway from analyze market evolution is that, regardless of whether the retailer driving the modern trade is global or local, the capabilities they need to do that are largely the same In appendage to the overall management, a great modernizing retailer will require capabilities in half a dozen core areas to win in the ever-changing environment.FinanceA retailer is ruff served having an operating model with two key financial cri teria Generates enough cash go down to fund its expansion and Remains comparatively low debt.Retail is a rotary and relatively low margin business. senior high school levels of debt and interest greatly impede a retailer in growth mode and can make running the mental process difficult. Most great retailers remain relatively conservatively financed.OperationsThe retailer is able to manage the complexity of getting trade in from factory to shelf. Indian conglomerate belief Industries Ltd. is aiming to get to this state through desegregation of an entire supply chain from arouse to store, particularly with staple food commodities. more great local retailers (e.g., HEB and Publix, twoUSregional grocery chains, and 7-11 inJapan) perfect their market position through a best-in-class supply chain, which gives them a significant free-enterprise(a) advantage in speed and store conditions.BrandBrand is all about a relevant and influential corporation to the shopper. It is imperati ve for retailers to have a dictatorial understanding of their shoppers and be able to execute, both in and out of the store, based on that knowledge. In addition, the ability to tailor a portfolio of formats to meet different shopper/consumer needs is very helpful-especially in geographically, culturally, and economically diverse markets like India. Pantaloon is one of the Indian retailers that has begun to develop the data and analysis capabilities to do just that. As Indias infrastructure develops to support modern trade, the retailer will be able to do that more systematically.As the market evolves, both retailers and manufacturers will require the capabilities to consistently understand what motivates shoppers and consumers, in order to baffle together a successful retailer strategy that serves both constituents well. The intermingling of finance and tick off is pricing the reform price doesnt necessarily mean the lowest, especially in some categories such as apparel, wher e a low price may be perceived as poor quality. Also, a rigorous understanding of which items are important to be low priced for competitive purposes versus which items can be margin enhancers, is one of the key criteria strong retailers use to grow in a market.When discussing people, the discussion is incomplete without the rightfulness measurements in place. As people are trained to execute at the store, retailers will have to have the right frozen of measures to ensure great delivery to the shopper. In addition, the focus of high capability in-market retailers merged measures are usually geared toward change to the consumer than on buying efficiencies and leveraging measure however, our research shows that retailers who understand this and work proactively with suppliers to hone their mutual business tend to grow faster than the market.In-store performance should come together as a result of the right brand essence and effective trading operations that facilitate having the right merchandise in the right place. Often the simplicity of the message and the operation generally results in overlord in-store execution, and this largely depends on people schooling and training. Relentless focus on execution details is the final differentiating factor for success.